Medicare supplement

Why Choose a High Deductible Medicare Supplement Plan?

reason 1: Lower annual maximum co-pay responsibility ($2,870 in 2025) compared to most Medicare Advantage plans. reason 2: Lower annual cost (premium and out-of-pocket) compared to Medicare Supplement Plans F, G or N. SUPPLEMENT GUIDE NY STATE RATES APPLICATION Like with other deductibles, do I pay the first $2,870 in bills? No. After you pay […]

Medicare Part D Prescription Drug

The New Law and Medicare Part D

Well, just as we are finishing up the annual federal and carrier Medicare Advantage and Part D certifications for 2023, the US House and Senate passed a bill (H.R. 5376 titled Inflation Reduction Act of 2022) which includes some important changes to the Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage. Some of these changes take effect […]

Medicare A & B

Switching Medicare Supplement (Medigap) policies

Reasons Why New Yorkers Switch Their Medicare Supplement (Medigap) Policies: You’re paying for benefits you don’t need. You need more benefits than you needed before. Your current Medigap policy has the right benefits, but you want to change your insurance company. Your current Medigap policy has the right benefits, but you want to find a […]