Medicare Part D Prescription Drug

The New Law and Medicare Part D

Well, just as we are finishing up the annual federal and carrier Medicare Advantage and Part D certifications for 2023, the US House and Senate passed a bill (H.R. 5376 titled Inflation Reduction Act of 2022) which includes some important changes to the Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage. Some of these changes take effect […]

Part D Prescription Drug

COVID-19 Vaccination Update

I have received several inquiries these past few days as New York State followed the updated CDC guidelines and announced that anyone over the age of 65 is now eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. (This was one day after announcing that those over 75 were eligible, and that the 65-74 age group was probably […]

Case Studies Medicare supplement

A conversation: Focus the fight against cancer instead of the HMO

In this nearly 16 minute conversation Greensboro North Carolina residents, Bob and Signe Foxworth, talk about their frustration and anxiety of trying, unsuccesfully, to obtain HMO approval for Bob’s preferred out of network prostate cancer treatment. Listen as Bob and Signe explain how peace of mind came when Dan counseled them to revert to Original […]