Medicare Part C Medicare Advantage Part D Prescription Drug

Medicare Annual Notice of Change

“The ANOCs are in the mail.” Each year, by September 30, individuals enrolled in a Medicare Advantage (Part C) or Medicare Part D Prescription Drug plan receive by mail a document called Annual Notice of Change (ANOC.) The ANOC document spells out upcoming changes to the plan you are currently enrolled in and compares those […]

Part D Prescription Drug Uncategorized

Part D Late Enrollment Penalty

Q: “Dan, I just received a letter stating I will have to pay a Part D late enrollment penalty next year for not having a drug plan during the months of February through December, 2017. What’s this all about?” A: “Sam, after you turned 65 in October 2016 you had individual coverage with prescription drug […]

Case Studies Part D Prescription Drug

“Having this EPIC plan was a miracle; an absolute miracle.”

Only a fraction of the nearly 3 million New York State residents aged 65 and older are enrolled in the state’s pharmaceutical assistance program known as New York EPIC. When I meet with New York Medicare Part D clients, I ask if their individual income is below the $75,000 threshold, $100,000 if married. If so, […]