Linda Singer – Licensed Agent and Medicare Plan Specialist


Why choose Linda Singer as your Licensed Agent for your Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement or Medicare Part D prescription drug plan?

    • Local – An out of area telemarketing sales representative will not match Linda’s knowledge of area resources and medical groups in Eastern New York and Western Massachusetts counties.
    • Independent – Linda is certified to present competing Medicare plans for you to choose from; including (alphabetically) Aetna Medicare, CDPHP, Highmark BlueShield, Humana, MVP and UnitedHealthcare.
    • Yours – You can call on Linda at (518) 378-0416 with questions about your plan throughout the year – your designated agent at no extra cost to you.
    • Experienced – Linda has been licensed in New York State since 2013.

Click here to view national carrier plans offered by Linda in your zip code.  Then, compare the plans that cover your medications and doctors and enroll online! For local carrier plans, call Linda at (518) 378-0416.

Schedule a telephone or Zoom call directly to Linda’s calendar here:



Or, send a note to Linda by completing the form below. After you click the blue submit button, you will see a confirmation page where you can download helpful information while Linda is being notified to contact you by telephone or email.

Inquiry Form Linda Singer
Please confirm Medicare Specialist to contact *

Note: DGAlcorn & Associates is not affiliated with Medicare or any government agency. By providing your phone number you agree to speak with a licensed and certified health insurance agent representing an organization with a Medicare contract.