Case Studies Part D Prescription Drug

“Thank you again for giving me my life back.”

…. it’s great to hear results.

Just before Thanksgiving I met with a recently widowed woman who was reeling from her loss and struggling to make sense of her health plan costs and dramatically reduced monthly income.

When she disclosed her assets and monthly income, I explained to her some programs she was likely eligible for and provided assistance with the enrollment process.

For starters, the easy one. I enrolled this client in the New York State Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage (EPIC) program. EPIC helps with Medicare Part D premiums, prescriptions co-pays and the Part D “donut hole.”

Then, we confirmed she was eligible for Social Security Extra Help – available to Medicare participants with limited resources.

Third, New York State offers Part B premium assistance to Medicare participants with limited income and resources.

I love what I do.

When I received this note with the closing “Thank you again for giving me my life back” it reminds me of why we serve – to add some value to another’s life.  This is fulfilling and rewarding in its own way.

2016 0215 Thank you note

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